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Technology relating to blog, website, publications or patterns

Eating the Elephant One Bite at a Time

Hear that?  That ugly, groaning sound?  That’s the sound of my calendar sagging under the weight of my to-do list.  I’m a list maker.  I have lists of lists.  I use lists for a variety of purposes.  The obvious use is to actually function as a list.   The not so obvious use is how it becomes a basis for my problem solving process.

Some things are simple to work out:  the grocery list, the chores that have to be done this week, what to pack on a trip.  Some things are not so simple to work out:  how to invigorate my sewing business or how to declutter the house.  That’s where lists come in handy for me.

On the sewing business front, making a list starts off with listing the big ticket items that need to happen:  legal paperwork that needs to be updated, updating patterns to put them on Craftsy, coming up with new patterns based on my sketch book.  Each of these items is made up of tens if not hundreds of things that need to happen.  Spelling these things out on a list really helps me make sense of what I’m doing.  Am I leaving something out?  Is there work I can be doing in parallel?   One of the things that was brought up a lot at Sew Pro – is there work that I can have other people do?   Being a team of one is daunting.  You feel like absolutely everything is up to you and there just aren’t enough hours in the day unless I move to Saturn.  I’m starting to reach out to people to find out if I have options to get help.  It’s difficult to ask for help but that’s another topic for another post.

In the mean time I’m going to keep working on my lists, keep checking things off and keep eating that elephant one bite at a time.  (note the post title is based on a really old joke – how do you eat an elephant?  one bite at a time).

Dusting Off the Blog

Whew!  Trying to blow off the dust and get things cranked up again!  I love to write, I love to sew and somehow I need to find the time to do those things that make me happy!   I’m learning more about blogging and features and doing things.  I spent last weekend at SewPro in Chicago and oh my goodness it was so energizing.   I learned so much and there is so much I can be doing, I just have to get the hang of all of this!!!

I find it interesting that I spend all day long at my day job working on computers, yet when it comes to things like social media, I am a complete novice.  I learned so much at SewPro about how to use my blog to convey what is going on with my quilting business.  WOW.   I got so excited that I managed to create a second blog, then couldn’t figure out why all the posts I wrote were not showing up.  Sigh.  SO I’m now back to my one blog and I’m working this out slowly but surely.

I have so many ideas bursting in my head and so many things I want to sew and teach!!

SEW ALL THE THINGS!  WRITE ALL THE THINGS!  Where will I find the time!!

My first WordPress Post

This is it.  My first post with WordPress.   I’m overhauling my blog and website which includes moving to a whole new hosting company, new software, a new layout, new this, and new that.  It’s overwhelming.  So much so that I’m wondering if it is worth it.  I know it will be in the long run but in the middle of all the change, when nothing works the way I want it to, and nothing looks right, I feel completely daunted by this task.  I wonder if this happens to everybody?

I know the changes will be worth it.  I keep telling myself that.   I know my website looked very rudimentary and out dated, and I need to get a blog platform that is going to work for me for the next 10 years, not the last 10 years but still.  OH. MY. GOODNESS.  In the mean time, I just hope I don’t click the wrong button and delete the entire thing.