Dusting Off the Blog

Whew!  Trying to blow off the dust and get things cranked up again!  I love to write, I love to sew and somehow I need to find the time to do those things that make me happy!   I’m learning more about blogging and features and doing things.  I spent last weekend at SewPro in Chicago and oh my goodness it was so energizing.   I learned so much and there is so much I can be doing, I just have to get the hang of all of this!!!

I find it interesting that I spend all day long at my day job working on computers, yet when it comes to things like social media, I am a complete novice.  I learned so much at SewPro about how to use my blog to convey what is going on with my quilting business.  WOW.   I got so excited that I managed to create a second blog, then couldn’t figure out why all the posts I wrote were not showing up.  Sigh.  SO I’m now back to my one blog and I’m working this out slowly but surely.

I have so many ideas bursting in my head and so many things I want to sew and teach!!

SEW ALL THE THINGS!  WRITE ALL THE THINGS!  Where will I find the time!!

Working on my webpage

Well each time I click on things I learn a bit more.   I’m figuring out how to edit my theme, upload pictures, make pages, and even work out my menus.  I am still stumped by two things on my home page, but hopefully, with patience, I will figure them out.

Fall Colors

My first WordPress Post

This is it.  My first post with WordPress.   I’m overhauling my blog and website which includes moving to a whole new hosting company, new software, a new layout, new this, and new that.  It’s overwhelming.  So much so that I’m wondering if it is worth it.  I know it will be in the long run but in the middle of all the change, when nothing works the way I want it to, and nothing looks right, I feel completely daunted by this task.  I wonder if this happens to everybody?

I know the changes will be worth it.  I keep telling myself that.   I know my website looked very rudimentary and out dated, and I need to get a blog platform that is going to work for me for the next 10 years, not the last 10 years but still.  OH. MY. GOODNESS.  In the mean time, I just hope I don’t click the wrong button and delete the entire thing.