Here it is, Monday again. I swear it was just a few minutes ago and it was Thursday and Monday was a long ways in the future. Plenty of time to write a blog post. Next thing I know, the weekend is gone in a puff of smoke and I’m looking at 10am square in the face and no post to be found. Well it happens sometimes.

I’ve decided I need a refund on my weekend – or at least a partial refund. I’m positive I did not get as much time as I paid for. I had a huge list of things to do and people to see this weekend and barely managed to scratch the surface. It was good to have a more ‘normal’ calendar after all the hubbub of the move: there was a lecture series at the quilt shop in which I was a participant, some friends came out to the house Saturday and it was game day Sunday for my RPG. All good activities that had me out and around people, but I’m relishing coming back out to my quiet little house in the country.

This weekend marked another big milestone – I picked up my mower last week, so I was able to start mowing this weekend. I am the proud owner of a 52″ zero turn Hustler mower. (Insert the maniacal laughter here). That thing just zooms around the yard. There is something surprisingly relaxing about mowing over things in the yard, and in some cases, backing up so you can mow over it a couple of times before moving on. Yes at this point I’m pretty much just mowing weeds all down to the same height, we aren’t even coming close to ‘yard’ or ‘lawn’ but it looks nicer, all neatly trimmed. The dog doesn’t get lost in the weeds now, and it’s easier to see him when I am out at night. I haven’t mowed my yard in YEARS, and riding is much preferred to walking a mower around, so this will take some getting used to. There’s a lot of work to do out there, but I don’t have to have it all done this week, this month or even this year. One of these days I will look out on a really nice yard and wonder when that happened. In the mean time I am taking lots of photos so I can look back on how things used to be.

I’d like to say we are headed into fall, but here in Texas the temps are still in the upper 90s so I think we have several weeks to go, but I will say, this morning at dawn, standing outside with Mr. Pops, there was just the faintest hint of coolness in the air. A little tease of what is right around the corner. I’m ready for fall here at the farm.


September 2, 2019