I learned early on, that laundry and dishes are two of the great lies of adulthood. No matter how hard you try, you are never done. You might get done for now, or done with this round, but no matter how hard you work, you will turn around and there will be a dirty cup sitting next to a dirty sock. That’s life.

I am coming to understand that anything technology is the same as laundry and dishes. I started this blog a while ago, and I thought once I got the website layout done, that it would just hum along happily but that’s not how it works. WordPress is constantly going through upgrades, and any upgrade, at any time, can break a part of your website or blog with no warning. Some things I’m able to figure out how to fix. My portrait on my blog is finally right side up after a very long time of being sideways for some users (not all, that would have been too simple). I’ve noticed that the links to my InstaGram photos breaks more often than anything else, and I can’t figure out if that’s down to WordPress or InstaGram making changes. Either way, it’s a very frustrating dirty sock to chase down. I’m almost to the point of just removing that widget and not having that link in place.

In my house, I have a bunch of WiFi enabled lightbulbs. At first, they were just amazing. I have scheduled routines and I no longer have a physical timer on every light that the cat used frequently as a back scratcher, thus changing the default time on the timer. I have noticed that after several upgrades, things aren’t so smooth anymore. The bridge that controls everything is now end-of-life so I will have to replace it, and my nightstand light in the bedroom has gone rogue – it just turns itself on and off at the beat of its own drummer, completely ignoring the programming that I set up. At this stage I’m almost ready to just start turning my lights on and off by myself. This does open me up to a lot more stubbed toes as in several rooms I have to walk into the room to get to a light to turn it on and the number of times I stub my toe on something or trip over something is startling.

I like technology, and I like using technology, but when it starts becoming dishes and laundry instead of magic, I get less and less impressed. If you will excuse me now, I have to go fight with my blog and InstaGram and try to find that other dirty sock. It never ends.


November 25, 2019
December 9, 2019