I keep making the joke that I need to live on a planet that has more hours in the day. Between my job, and keeping the house going, and taking care of myself and the pets, there are days when the time I have left to sew a few and far between. I try to always have something ready to hand sew if I’m not in a position to spend time at my machine, but there are days when I wish I could just throw it all out the window and just go sew.

Yes this is a Monday blog post which means I had a whole weekend which should mean I had time to sew but there were things to do and scheduled events and I find myself on Sunday night (really late, technically I guess it’s Monday morning) and I’m writing a post while I wait for some things at work to happen. That in itself is an exercise in waiting, but I need to be at my computer, not at my sewing machine.

I keep trying to figure out how to squeeze more time out of my day, how to be more organized, how to make all the ideas that are crammed in my head, and more seem to show up on a regular basis. I have gone through periods where my creativity was at rock bottom so I’m glad my brain is coming up with new ideas, I just don’t have any time to work them out. I’m not complaining. I’d much rather have a wealth of ideas and no time, than all the time and zero motivation. I’d just like to figure out how to find a spot somewhere in the middle.


February 24, 2020