We quilters know how this is. You are going along just fine and then you see something and you just HAVE to try it. HAVE TO. Set aside everything else and work on the new thing. Yea. I think it’s a little different than just following the shiny object or being distracted by a squirrel. Well mine recently was the crazy pieced block die by Accuquilt and here we are.

I like small things so of course I got the die for the 6″ block. I will note that it would work splendidly with a layer cake – you can get away with a 9.5″ square but 10″ is more than fine. I used the shuffle method from Buggy Barn Crazies, to mix up the stacks so that I would get the necessary variation in my blocks. (After things are cut, leave stack A as is. Move one piece from stack B to the bottom. Move two pieces from stack C to the bottom. Move three pieces from stack D to the bottom. Proceed in that manner till all the stacks are shuffled). Because it’s an Accuquilt, I had the pieces for 20 blocks cut faster than you can say “look she’s quilting!”.

I wish they had a few more instructions with the die, I’ve done a few stacked crazy quilts before so I understand the general principle but a brand new person would be a bit confused. I do not know if there’s a YouTube tutorial or anything. I might end up making my own as an experiment. I sewed all 20 blocks and assembled them in half a Saturday, and now I have an adorable fall table runner. I have a set of layer cakes that were bought for something that fell through and I know EXACTLY what I am going to do with those now. Cause you know, I need another project.


September 16, 2020